Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

Me and my girlfriend went to Java with our two friends in September 2010.
As i heard some good story's about Djaelani we decided to ask him to drive us trough Java.
W had our own schedule about what to see and visit. During our journey Djealani added some nice
things to our trip, like factory visits and some nice traditional Indonesian restaurants. What we really like
about Djaelani is his humor, flexibility and his adjusting ability. His driving skills are admirably. What i mean is that
he drives really safe, but not slow. I personally think that's an exception for an Indonesian man!
Don't forget to ask Djaelani about the local food and sweets, he is the best when it comes to traditional local food!!
If you contact Djaelani you can discuss and plan the trip (sort car, what to see and visit etc.) with him!!

Pim & Anja, Rob & Desiré

Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011

Djaelani with Client

Djaelani with Client
my foto

With Client

With Client

My Foto

My Foto
Sunset at Volcano